Stay tuned for information on upcoming summer schools!
Dresden Summer School in Systems Biology
Computational methods are rapidly gaining importance in all fields of biology. Computational data analysis, modeling, and simulation are becoming as indispensable to the life sciences as mathematics is to physics. For five years, the Dresden Summer School in Systems Biology, jointly organized by the International Max Planck Research School for Cell, Developmental and Systems Biology and the Center for Systems Biology Dresden (CSBD), has provided a glimpse into this world.
This school provides project-based research experience in a number of scientific fields at the intersection of biology and computer science. Whether you are interested in spatiotemporal modeling, bio-image analysis, virtual reality, machine learning, biomedical data science, or bioinformatics, you will gain insight into developing and applying new computational tools to answer biological questions. To keep up with the changing times, the course contents have been fully reconceived this year, involving the many directions in research pursued at the CSBD.
The Summer School is intended primarily for Master and Diploma students with a computational/quantitative background in Computer Science, Physics, Engineering, Mathematics, or related areas. For graduates of other disciplines, we assume Bachelor-level knowledge of mathematics and computer programming (independent proficiency in at least one programming language).

No prior experience or knowledge in biology is required, but a strong interest in modeling biological systems is expected. PhD students and postdoctoral researchers are welcome to apply, but may be given lower priority. The course will accept 25 participants. Successful candidates will be notified in mid-May.