Student Representatives

The PhD student representatives (StudReps) are the elected voice of our PhD students. This group is dedicated to preserving the high quality work and shaping the future of our program. They are members of a variety of relevant committees that represent the PhD student body. The StudReps organize a rich variety of PhD student-driven activities. They also represent the IMPRS in interaction with our DIPP partners and in the Biopolis Dresden community. 

Feel free to contact the IMPRS student representatives with any ideas or comments.

Martin Buitrago Arango

Nadler Group



Catarina Carvalho Lopes

Mateus Group

Shivani Gunnan Ramkumar

Mateus Group



Jakub Rzeszotko

Geertsma Group

David Longhin Tsang

Huch Group

“As a StudRep, I had the privilege of representing an incredible bunch of motivated young people from around the world. I particularly enjoyed the endless opportunities that StudReps have to organise events and promote interactions (both scientific and not-so-scientific…) between IMPRS PhD students, but also with the broader Dresden research community.”

James Cleland (Predoc, Rink Lab)

Max Planck PhD Net

Beyond our local PhD Student community, our PreDocs are also connected to peers working at other Max Planck Institutes. The Max Planck PhDnet is the official network of all Max Planck Society PhD students. The group manages a convenient web portal that facilitates communication between students, programs, and the society. The key goals are to strengthen internal organization and collaboration between sites. The Max Planck PhDnet can also be a valuable tool for career planning.


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