Special Events

Our PhD Program constantly strives to improve and grow. This is evidenced in the array of special events we support, both within the IMPRS-CellDevoSys and with our partners in the Dresden International PhD Program (DIPP). Many events are an important part of our curriculum, like the annual Scientific Retreat or our Career Day. Others provide important community outreach. Our PhD students also take part in organizing several social events, like the annual BioOlympics or the monthly Board Game Group that meets onsite. 

A Student-Run Program

The defining characteristic of many special events is that they are driven by the PreDocs themselves. Our PhD Students and their elected Student Representatives are enthusiastic to not only take part in the program, but help shape its future directions. In so doing, they also develop leadership skills and grow to understand what happens behind the scenes of making science. In fact, some highly successful programs, like our "Science Goes to School" and "Pizza, Science, & Beyond" initiatives, were created by PhD students during training. 

Dresden Science Calendar

There are many other interesting scientific talks and events regularly occurring in Dresden, which are collected in the Dresden Science Calendar. These events help support interdisciplinary interaction and scientific collaboration in our city by sharing announcements of upcoming scientific talks via a unified internet platform.

““Excellent science and high level training in an inspiring, supportive environment is what the IMPRS-CellDevoSys is all about. They really do listen to the PhD students and give power to the people!””

Oliver Wüsecke did his PhD thesis in Tony Hyman’s group from 2010 to 2014, and stayed on for one year as a wrap-up postdoc.


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